Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week of September 29th- October 3rd :-)


Learning Goal: I can read informational text, including text features, and identify its main topic and supporting details.

Specific Goals include:

  •  I can identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
  • I can explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text.
  • know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently.
So, what does this all look like for a student? Well, first we will discuss all those text features that informational text can have: bold print, italics, photographs, captions, diagrams, captions, glossaries, index, headings and subheadings, etc. Often, students ignore these features and look only at the text. However, these features help a reader understand the concepts, so we want to use them to help us! We are doing this through an informational text called "On the Farm."

Also, we will be looking at the main topic of a paragraph. The topic sentence will help us with that, as well as doing a "close read" of the text questioning what that paragraph is mostly about. This will also help us with our writing! 

In writing we are focusing on basics - using capital letters appropriately and punctuation. Plus we are looking at how to use topic sentences and temporal words (first, then, finally, last, next, etc) in our writing.


Learning Goals:  I can use repeated patterns to count and represent numbers.

  •       I can read and write numbers up to 1,000 using different forms.            
  •        I can tell how many ones, tens, and hundreds are in a given number.
  •        I can represent a number up to 1,000 in a variety of ways.
  •     I can skip –count by 5’s, 10’s, and 100’s
These goals are similar to the last couple weeks, however we are still focusing on the hundreds place. We have been working very hard on representing a number in two different ways with base ten blocks - which students are getting quite good at! They can do this with a drawing as well. Next week, we will be comparing our numbers with a greater than, less than and equal signs between both numbers. 

For example:  47 can be drawn with 4 ten rods and 7 one blocks  (40 + 7)

                          47 can be drawn with 3 ten rods and 17 one blocks (30 + 17)

                  Ask your child to show you this with a quick draw!


Learning Goals:

I can observe and describe major stages in the life cycles of plants and animals, including beans and butterflies. SC.2.L.16.1

We are working in teams to research the life cycle of a particular animal and making a poster showing this life cycle. Also, this week we are planting our bean plants and observing their growth!


Other Reminders:

Library Day is every Wednesday (tomorrow!)  Make sure your child has his/her library book in their book bag.

Please make sure you're signing your child's planner daily and signing any papers that are in the folder labeled please sign and return. 

Astro Skate field trip is right after school on Thursday.  Your child will get his/her book bag on Friday!! It will be left at school for the evening.  Be at school to pick up your child at 7 p.m.!!

Please make sure your child is reading each night for at least 10 minutes and is logging his/her reading on a reading log or in his/her Reading Room online.

Have a wonderful rest of the week!! :-)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ms. Chapin's Monkey Jungle of Excellence!!!!

Welcome to our class blog page!!!!

Here's our learning goals for this week (September 22nd-26th):


 Common Learning Goal: I can read informational text, including text features, and identify its main topic and supporting details.

*Ask your child what his/her vocabulary word of the week is from last week such as: radiant, injustice, etc.   Your child's goal is to say or write the vocabulary word in as many ways as possible.  This can even be in a casual conversation.  You can tally mark on the back of your child's index card every time he/she says the word.

Our vocabulary words for this week are: 


When reading your child should always:

ALWAYS:  Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.


 I can use repeated patterns to count and represent numbers.
·       I can read and write numbers up to 1,000 using different forms.
·       I can tell how many ones, tens, and hundreds are in a given number.
·       I can represent a number up to 1,000 in a variety of ways.
900 + 90 + 7 = _________
400 + 5 = _________
500 + 6 = _________
100 + 40 + 7 = _________
500 + 50 + 7 = _________

600 + 90 + 5 = _________
        100 + 8 = _________
I can skip count by 5s, 10s and 100

Math Vocabulary for this week:

Odd, even, ones place, tens place, hundreds place, digit, bundling, expanded form, standard form, value


I can observe and describe major stages in the life cycles of plants and animals, including beans and butterflies.

Your child also planted a bean plant last Thursday and will be watching his/her bean plant grow with enough light and water.  Ask your child about his/her progress with their bean plant. 

Students are working in groups and still researching various kind of animal life cycles.  They will be presenting on Wednesday!!They're learning that different kinds of animals have similar life cycles whereas other animals have different kinds of life cycles.  For example: there are many similarities with mosquito and butterfly life cycles.  Ask your child about this.  You will be super surprised by what they can share with you about these life cycles!!! :-)



I can use proper punctuation in my writing, correct capitalization for proper nouns and can create topic sentences for my paragraph.  

**Students will return to their writing from last week where they created a scene to Charlotte's Web and will be editing their stories.  By the end of the week, they will publish their stories.

Other information:

Our library day is this Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.!!!! Remind to place his/her library book in his/her bag by Tuesday night if they're done reading their book!!

Please sign your child's planner every night and check your child's class dojo!!

The bottom of progress reports that went home on Friday needs to be signed and returned.   If you have not signed up for conferences, I'm sending a paper home this week for dates to be picked to discuss your child's progress!!

Homework: Math and Vocabulary are due every day!! Reading is to be completed at least 3 days a week for at least 10 minutes or more.  Please have your child log it on his/her Reading Room online or on a paper reading log.   If your child needs another reading log, let me know on CLASSDOJO or in planner and I will send you another one. :-)

Also, anything in return to school part of your child's take home folder needs to be signed and returned!!! This is usually tests and letters of regret for behavior!!

School Pictures are this Wednesday September 24th!!! There was a form for pictures sent last Wednesday!!! I can send another form if you need one, let me know. :-) 

We have a school fundraiser starting this week, so check out the large envelope coming home with your child tomorrow Monday September 22nd!!

ANY QUESTIONS, feel free and contact me at mchapin@pasco.k12.fl.us or on classdojo, or lastly in your child's planner!!!

Have a great week!!! :-)