Our Learning Goals for the Week of October 27th-31st!!!
Our ELA Goals are:
We can understand that knowing the structure of the story can help with comprehending the text RL.2.5
I can understand key details to answer questions in close reading. RL. 2.1
I can understand different points of view within the text RL. 2.7
I can use information from illustrations to better understand the characters feelings and actions. RL 2.7
I can recognize the central message or lesson the author wants to get across to the readers.
Common Learning Goal: I can understand that knowing the main idea and details helps me at understanding the story, key details, points of view, and illustrations to better understand the character's feelings and the author's central message.
Students will practice these skills using comprehension discussion questions, writing short response, using character response graphic organizers, compare/contrast graphic organizers and a central message graphic organizer. I will encourage your child to practice these skills with their own on level fictional books during silent reading time using these kinds of organizers!!! Ask your child these questions when reading at home!!
Your child will continue using the new Reading log they started last week, if not completing the online Reading log. Your child is to complete a different entry every night. It can be on the same book, different chapters, etc. Monday (summarizing), Tuesday (central message), Wednesday (character response), Thursday (Visualizing), Friday (visualizing response), Saturday(asking/answering questions while reading) and Sunday ( main idea/details). These are all Reading skills we will be covering in class. I would recommend your child to be
focusing on a fiction book this week or a nonfiction if filling out main idea/details graphic organizer!!
Our vocabulary words for the week are: bargain, boost, rich, exchanged, charcoal, spoiled, savings, absolutely, title page, vanish, waitress!!!
Ask your child to share his/her understanding of these words!!!!
Our Math Goals:
Our Math goals are:
I can read and write numbers to 1,000 using base ten blocks, number names, and expanded form.
I can compare two and three digit numbers.
What is 10 more than 160--> 170
What is 10 less than 160---> 150
What is 100 more than 160--> 260
What is 100 less than 160------> 60
Remind your child to look in the right place value section!!
Lastly, we will continue practice identifying coins/values of coins since this is a skill that is used in both Math and Reading this week: Quarter, dime, penny, nickel!!! Practice with your child at home
Math Vocabulary for the week: Ones, tens, hundreds, thousand, digit, dollars, cents, pennies, dimes, dollar bills, compose, decompose, greater than, less than, equal to!
Our Writing Goals: I can summarize various parts of a story using a topic sentence and closing sentence. I will use details from the words and illustrations to summarize what is happening in that part of the story!!
Students will be looking into various parts of both stories and summarizing various parts of the story!
Y Your child is to pick a parent/close family member and interview him/her on their job using topic sentences, he/she will summarize different topics that share about the job!!! Be looking for info in your child's homework folder!!! This will be due Monday November 3rd!!! :-)
SS.2.G.1.4 Use a map to locate the countries in North America (Canada, United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean Islands).
Our Learning Goals for Social Studies: I can use maps and globes to locate people and places.
· SS.2.G.1.1 Use different types of maps (political, physical, and thematic) to identify map elements.
· SS.2.G.1.2 Using maps and globes, locate the student's hometown, Florida, and North America, and locate the state capital and the national capital.
· SS.2.G.1.3 Label on a map or globe the continents, oceans, Equator, Prime Meridian, North and South Pole.
Our Science Goals for this week:
Benchmark SC.2.l.17.1:
I can compare and contrast the basic needs that all living things,
including humans, have for survival.
SC.2.L.17.2: Recognize and explain that living things are found all over Earth,
but each is only able to live in habitats that meet it’s basic needs.
Your child will also be creating a habitat with plants and animals that live in this environment using a shoe box and other supplies. They will summarize why this kind of habitat is the best environment for those kind of plants and animals!!
Spelling Words:
1. they're
2. their
3. there
4. learn
5. jumping
6. running
7. riding
8. squeezing
9. dropping
10. hopping
11. hoping
12. ran
12. swam
13. rode
Other Reminders:
Please sign your child's planner everyday!!!
Empty out the keep at home folder and sign anything under return to school!!!
Make sure your child is completing his/her homework everyday!!! Math is due everyday and Reading!!!
Spelling test is on Fridays every week!!!
REPORT CARDS GO HOME TOMORROW October 27th!!! Please sign bottom portion and return with envelope!!! You keep top!!!
Costume Parade is this Friday!!!! Please make sure the costume is school appropriate and send your child with school clothes underneath!!! :-) It starts at 9:50-10:30 a.m. if you want to see the parade!!!
Have a wonderful week:-) HAPPY EARLY HALLOWEEN :-)